SiPM-based LIDAR read-out chip
Liroc is a 64-channel front-end ASIC designed to read-out silicon photo-multipliers (SiPM) for LIDAR application.
Liroc allows triggering down to 1/3 p.e. and provides low-voltage differential trigger output for each channel with an excellent timing resolution (better than 20ps FWHM) and excellent double-peak separation (100% efficiency on 5ns separated single photo-electrons). Liroc allows fast single photon counting over 100MHz per channel.
An adjustment of the SiPM high-voltage (gain) is possible using a channel-by-channel 6-bit DAC connected to the ASIC inputs. Channel-by-channel calibration on the trigger threshold is also possible thanks to 7-bit DACs. Liroc can be calibrated using the dark noise of the SiPM.
Liroc features a GHz measurement line composed of an RF preamplifier woth pole zero cancellation followed by a fast discriminator and low swing LVDS fast driver.
TRL Technology Readiness Level | 4 - ASIC validated in lab environment |
Available versions |
Detector Read-Out | SiPM, SiPM array |
Number of Channel | 64 |
Signal Polarity | Both Positive and Negative |
Sensitivity | Trigger on 1/10 photo-electron |
Timing Resolution |
Double peak separation : better than 5ns on single photo-electron Time resolution : better than 20ps FWHM on single photo-electron |
Dynamic Range | up to 15 photo-electron with ToT @ 106 SiPM gain |
Packaging & Dimension |
Power Consumption |
210 mW - supply voltage 1.2V |
Inputs | 64 voltage inputs with independant SiPM HV adjustments |
Outputs |
Internal Programmable Features |
Evaluation systems |
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